Cell Saver

Cell Saver Explained: How it Works in Plastic Surgery Procedures

If you’re considering a plastic surgery procedure, you may have heard of the Cell Saver. This innovative device has become an increasingly popular tool in the field of plastic surgery. In this blog post, we’ll explain what it is, how it works, and why it’s beneficial for certain plastic surgery procedures.

What is the Cell Saver?

The Cell Saver is a machine used in plastic surgery procedures to filter the patient’s blood from other fluids. The device filters the blood, concentrates it into an IV bag, and then returns it to the patient. This process is known as autotransfusion. It is similar to a blood transfusion, except that the patient receives their own blood.

How does it work?

During a plastic surgery procedure, such as liposuction 360 or a Brazilian butt lift (BBL), the surgeon uses a fluid called tumescent fluid. This fluid helps decrease bleeding and trauma during the procedure. Once the surgeon has removed the fat, some of the tumescent fluid, and a small amount of blood, the Cell Saver is used to collect the blood from the remaining fluid.

The blood is then filtered using multiple filters to remove any contaminants, such as fat or tissue debris. Once the blood has been purified, it is concentrated into an IV bag and returned to the patient.

Benefits of the Cell Saver

The Cell Saver has several benefits, including reducing the amount of blood loss during surgery. This can lead to a faster recovery time. Some patients will lose between 4 to 7 points of hemoglobin during their BBL or surgery, and it can recover up to 80% of that lost blood.

By reusing the patient’s own blood, the risk of complications, such as infections or allergic reactions, is also reduced. Additionally, the use of the Cell Saver reduces the need for blood transfusions, which can be expensive and pose a risk of transmitting diseases. Some surgeons require the use of the CellSaver for certain groups of patients, including those who are over 40, have a higher BMI, and have had liposuction before.

Limitations of the Cell Saver

The CellSaver is a valuable tool in plastic surgery procedures, but it has limitations. It’s not suitable for every surgery, and procedures where large amounts of blood loss are not expected, such as a tummy tuck, may not require its use. Even though it reduces the need for blood transfusions, it’s not a complete replacement for them in all cases.


The Cell Saver is an innovative tool that has become increasingly popular in plastic surgery procedures. It is an effective tool in reducing blood loss and improving recovery times during plastic surgery. To determine if it’s appropriate for your surgery, it’s important to discuss with your surgeon. Don’t hesitate to ask your surgeon about using it for your upcoming procedure.

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