Sitting after BBL

When Can I Sit After My BBL? Tips For Optimal Results

Are you considering a Brazilian Butt Lift or BBL? This procedure has gained tremendous popularity in recent years as it promises to give you a shapelier, sexier backside. However, it’s crucial to understand the post-surgery recovery process to ensure the best results. One of the most common questions patients ask after the surgery is, “When can I sit after my BBL?” In this blog post, we will provide you with the answer and offer valuable tips to help you get the most out of your BBL.

Why is it important to avoid sitting after a BBL?

The Brazilian Butt Lift or BBL is a type of fat transfer surgery that involves removing fat from other parts of your body and injecting it into your buttocks. The fat needs time to settle and develop a blood supply to remain viable in the new area. For the first few weeks after the surgery, sitting or lying down directly on your buttocks can compress the area, preventing proper blood flow, and potentially damage the new fat cells. This could result in the loss of the transferred fat and affect your final results.

When is it okay to sit after a BBL?

After the surgery, it’s crucial to follow the doctor’s instructions to avoid any complications. According to Dr. Schulman, a board-certified plastic surgeon, the magic number for when you can sit normally is three weeks. During these three weeks, you should avoid sitting directly on your buttocks as much as possible. Instead, you can sit on your thighs or use a cushion to distribute your weight evenly.

Tips to ensure the best results from your BBL

  • Use a BBL Pillow: After the surgery, you will need to avoid sitting directly on your buttocks. A BBL pillow can be helpful to keep the pressure off the area while sitting.
  • Avoid driving: For the first two weeks after your surgery, it’s essential to avoid driving to prevent putting pressure on your buttocks.
  • Take short walks: Walking can help stimulate blood flow to your buttocks, which is essential for the survival of the transferred fat.
  • Don’t sleep on your back: Lying on your back can also put pressure on your buttocks and affect the transfer fat’s survival. Sleeping on your side is a better option.
  • Avoid strenuous activities: For at least four weeks after your surgery, you should avoid any activities that could put pressure on your buttocks, such as weightlifting, squats, and running.


A Brazilian Butt Lift or BBL is an excellent way to achieve the body shape you desire, but it’s important to follow the post-surgery instructions to ensure optimal results. When it comes to sitting after the surgery, the magic number is three weeks. However, it’s essential to avoid sitting directly on your buttocks, use a BBL pillow, take short walks, and avoid driving for at least two weeks. By following these tips, you can have a smooth recovery and achieve the body of your dreams.

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